Regina Maria in America
Genre: Documentary film
Année: 1928
Durée: 00:10:45
Description: In October-November 1928, Queen Mary of Romania, alongside Princess Ileana, Prince Nicholas and Prince Hohenlohe, crosses the ocean at the board of Leviathan, the largest transatlantic ship of the world. The film presents their journey aboard Leviathan, but also the moment Queen Mary is greeted by the crowd on Broadway Boulevard.
Mots-clés: "Queen Mary of Romania / Princess Ileana / Prince Nicholas / Prince Hohenlohe" / "Atlantic Ocean / Broadway Boulevard / New York" / "'Leviathan‘ / transatlantic / journey / travel / royal family "
Fournisseur: Arhiva Naţională de Filme
Droits: Public Domain
Couleur: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Type de document:
Recueil: ANF
Language: ro